Construct 2 v103 - Crash

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • i sent you a capx that triggers the problem 100% of the times line 21 is enabled.

  • Hi all,

    I have found and fixed an issue where the presence of an 'On destroyed' trigger would cause the errors reported. It's unfortunate that an unforeseen issue made it in to a stable release. I guess that will teach me to change code before a stable update :P

    What I will do is tomorrow or Friday I will issue a 103.2 update. To avoid having to issue a whole new release, and because I think this is only affecting a minority of users who use the 'On destroyed' trigger, I will make a 'quiet' update - I will simply update the existing r103 page, but I will also set the autoupdater to update all r103 users as well so nobody is left using the old broken release.

    Sorry for the trouble but hopefully this will be fully resolved shortly, and I will be more careful about code changes before a stable release next time!

  • What I will do is tomorrow or Friday I will issue a 103.2 update. To avoid having to issue a whole new release, and because I think this is only affecting a minority of users who use the 'On destroyed' trigger, I will make a 'quiet' update - I will simply update the existing r103 page, but I will also set the autoupdater to update all r103 users as well so nobody is left using the old broken release.

    Exactly what I hoped for. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Same problem here - looking forward to the update :)

    I get it if two objects is destroyed within about 0.05 sec or less.

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  • I got the same problem on game load.. but it happens on random.

  • AnD4D donan Sargas ramones Grandisle Erndog2k Nimtrix lokesen krish

    I've updated the stable release to r103.2 - does this fix the problems?

  • It worked like a charm :D

    No more crashes ^^

  • yup, it fixed the crash issue =)

  • Brilliant as always! Thanks a lot!

  • Since I updated to 103.2 C2 keeps crashing randomly but often when doing things such as creating new animations or closing the program.

    It can't be a project's issue, it happens even with recently created ones.

    It's driving me crazy, any ideas? Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Edit: I disabled Windows 7 compatibility mode (I'm using Windows 8 RTM) and it stopped crashing <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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