Construct 2 Game creator has stopped working ??

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I am new here, I just download the construct 2 R191 beta, but every time I try to create a new project directly contruct crash and stop working. I've read from some of the same questions and the problem is in the graph but I've update my graphic and construct already detect my NVIDIA VGA but the results still can not is there who can help




  • I am using windows 7 64 bit

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  • does it crash when attempting to open a template as well

  • sory iam new, i dunno where to open template , but when i try to open start page, file menu or above file menu , it crash

  • In the past a crash when the layout view first appears (when using File - New or File - Open) has always been a graphics driver issue.

    Do you have a dual-GPU laptop? For example if you have Intel HD graphics integrated and a separate nVidia card, it may ignore your settings or otherwise default to the Intel chip. You should make sure you have the latest drivers for the Intel graphics as well, to rule out that being the cause of the problem.

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