PKrawczynski - why does preloading music matter? Is it important if music starts playing a moment later or in the first touch?
Preloading matters because music cant be streamed as clients will report that music sounds jittery on older devices or when connection is very bad. Preloading did solve those issues for them and reports stopped coming except occasional "music takes long time to start playing" but it was fairly easy to explain that its ios fault - as you said, it can be played only after first touch.
Sadly streamed music does not cut it for spil, booster media, and many others. Flash like quality experience is kinda target for html5 games (in mobile browser, im not talking about apps) right now, long gone are times where games could go away with no music and sfx.
What they would be MOST happy with, is if game didnt start until all the assets AND music would load, all the while displaying progress bar with percentage text how much total of both is already loaded, and only after both are loaded player is pushed to main game screen. Which probably as we both know is pretty terrible idea because loading music can take a lot of additional time, and there is no guarantee ever some browser/device combination wont have broken audio api or whatever, **** happens with html5 if i may say so.
Personally I'm happy enough with these workaround for time being, maybe Apple at some point will change their policy to audio in browser like they finally are catching up with fullscreen issues, webgl and accelerated js in non stock safari wrappers. It would be still kinda neat to have working preloading in newer c2 versions along way to tell how much of music has loaded as there is no variable to access that
Anyway Ashley I would like to say construct2 is really great tool i've evaluated couple of them in past months and tried but so far nothing beats how easy is it to create small-medium games, so kudos for that to you. Small issues like this with sound are to be expected and they are understandable.