Hi Kyatric :-)
I have taking a look on your link, and hope that the information I give is enoguht :-)
I have some problems on my website gamefreq.dk with my game named "Invasion" The site is on danish, but you can try it if you go "Sortiment" -> then tap on the box "Du kan pr�ve spillet ved at klikke her!" (You have to tap on "her"*)
The problem is that, if you play the game on a mac, you can't see the text on the intro site, but after you have tapped space the text comes (On a new layer with a historie).
The capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/84869704/Invasion%20-%20text%20problem.capx
Picture from a windows computer: dl.dropbox.com/u/84869704/spasser.png
Picture from a mac computer: dl.dropbox.com/u/84869704/Sk%C3%A6rmbillede%202012-08-24%20kl.%2017.47.53.png
It is only the text on the first layout (the intro layout) that i have issues with, not on the other layouts.
Hope that enought information. :-)