Black box displays instead of Text.

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  • 7 posts
From the Asset Store
Change delay, create new lines, "backspace" the text
  • Hello,

    I am certain that I have found a bug. When I download .capx files from the web, or import Scirra's sample projects or even start a new project of my own that uses the Text object, the text never displays. Instead, a huge black box appears where the text should be.

    I experience this issue in all the major browsers; IE (9 through to 11), Chrome, Firefox and Opera. I am running Windows 8.1 on a pretty awesome new PC. And I'm running Construct 2, Build 140.

    I have used Steps recorder so that you can easily reproduce this issue, and this file is attached.

  • Build r140 ? It's r163 ! Get the last stable and test again ...

  • What the?! Oh my. I can't believe I didn't even think to check for updates. I just updated. Text is working just fine

  • Joskin how do you know the build with the screen shot. great job buddie!!!!

  • Closing, please follow the guidelines and only report bugs using the latest version of C2.

  • I'd like to re-open this issue - We've been experiencing this mostly on FF/IE even on the latest c2.

    I'm currently trying to play with the texture mode/opacity and try out a sprite-font as an alternative.

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  • I'd like to re-open this issue - We've been experiencing this mostly on FF/IE even on the latest c2.

    I'm currently trying to play with the texture mode/opacity and try out a sprite-font as an alternative.


    This is a 2 year old closed bug report that apparently was resolved.

    As it states HERE, please don't post in a closed bug report.

    If you think you have an actual C2 software bug, then please post a new bug report, ensuring you follow all of the Bug Reporting Requirements.

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