Problem Description
I may have come across 2 graphical issues related to the 9Patch object. I hope it's okay to incorporate them both into a single bug report. They aren't quite related, but they can manifest simultaneously, and do in the example capx.
1. Pixel distortion:
Pixel rows and columns are rendered with varying thicknesses (plaid-like) rather than as a uniform pixel grid.
(see image below)
2: UV coverage issues:
If multiple instances of a 9Patch object have different margin settings, only instances with settings matching those of the instances at the backmost z-index will render correctly.
(see image below)
Attach a Capx
Here's an example capx.
Description of Capx
The capx has two layouts, one shows the effect in "Image 1", and the other layout shows the effect seen in "Image 2".
In the first layout there are also two extra 9Patch objects that should look okay even during runtime as they have their margins set so that the sliced "patches" of the source texture all have power-of-two dimensions.
Note: If the patch dimensions are powers-of-2, then the distortion will not occur in webGL, but any other dimensions cause the distortion. Possibly related to gl.REPEAT requiring power-of-2 textures. The power-of-two dimensions does not fix the other UV coverage issues though.
Steps to Reproduce Bug
- 1. In the project settings, make sure webGL is enabled, and set sampling to "point ".
- 2. Add a "start of layout" event to scale up the layout by 8x or so at runtime (as you might do for pixel/retro-looking games).
- 3. Add a32x32 9Patch object with any detailed per-pixel pattern.
- 4. In the 9Patch properties, set all margins to 4px.
- 5. Set Fill and Edges to "Tile".
- 6. Set Seems to "Exact".
- 7. Resize the 9Patch so that corner, edge, and fill zones are all visible.
- 8. Run the game. (Make sure the 9Patch is centered as you'll be zooming in 8x.)
Result: In the runtime window, you should see distortion artifacts in the 9Patch pixels, similar to those shown in "Image 1". Conversely, if you look at the same 9Patch in the editor, zoomed to 800% (use Ctrl + Shift + MouseWheel), it should look correct, with no distortion.
- 9. Now, create another instance of the same 9Patch object but set all its margins to 8px. (You should now have an 8px-margin instance of the 9Patch object, in addition to the original 4px- margin instance.)
- 10. Run the game.
Result: In the runtime window, you should see distortion, just as before, but you should also see that the new 8px-margin instance is tiling its edges and fill in what looks like a smeared and chopped up jumble.
Observed Result
1. Pixel distortion:
Pixel rows and columns are stretched and squashed, such that the pixels that make up the texture take on a plaid-like distribution, with some rows and columns being wider than others, rather than a uniform pixel grid.
R0J0hound tested and confirmed this, also noting that it only occurs when using the webGL renderer, but not the canvas2D renderer. (Though the "UV coverage issue" occurs regardless of renderer.)
Image 1 - Pixel distortion
Shown, several instances of a few test patterns, and a stone block from a game of mine, in which I first began investigating the occasional 9Patch runtime render issues. Both are zoomed to 8x scale. The Editor is at 800% zoom, and the "In game" runtime has the layout scaled by a factor of 8 via events.
(click to enlarge)
2: UV coverage issues:
If multiple instances of a 9Patch object have different margin settings, each unique margin configuration will not get its own uniquely sliced image patch set. Instead all instances will use the image patch set created for the instance with the backmost z-index, and only instances with margin configurations matching that backmost instance will be rendered correctly.
R0J0hound checked the code in the plugin when I inquired about tracking down the UV math to see if that was the issue. He suggested that this issue is due to the sliced image patch set being stored in the object "type".
I think this may mean that only one sliced patch set is ever created, and all subsequent instances use that set regardless of margin settings.
Image 2 - UV coverage issues
Note: It's the Z-order at game start that matters. Once the game is running, rearranging the Z-order won't affect how this issue manifests. So in my example capx, if you want to see the effect of a different instance acting as the backmost boss-instance (not sure what to call it), you'll need to change the Z-order in the editor and relaunch the game.
(click to enlarge)
Expected Result
1. Pixel distortion:
Expected pixels to be square, uniformly sized and rendered as a geometrically uniform grid. Much as you would expect to see if zooming in on pixel art in a graphics editor.
2: UV coverage issues:
Expected the per-instance customizability of the margin settings to result in corresponding UV coverage and tiling on a per-instance basis.
Affected Browsers
- Chrome: YES
- FireFox: YES
- Internet Explorer: YES
Operating System and Service Pack
Win7 x64 - Pro
Construct 2 Version ID
Release 218 (64-bit) checked
Built at 14:06: 17 on Nov 25 2015
Release Notes