Link to .capx file (required!):
Steps to reproduce:
1. Make sure Chrome Debug Tools are enabled (or different browser equivalent, you need to make sure you can view the headers)
2. Run the capx. It will try to connect to the echo server (
3. On Chrome, open the Inspector and go to Network. Filter the results to Websocket. If there are no entries, refresh the page.
Observed result:
C2Websocket defines the Sec-Websocket-Protocol header as undefined. This results in a header mismatch with servers that do not define a protocol.
Expected result:
Similar to the case of, Sec-Websocket-Protocol should not exist in the request headers, unless defined. This can be verified by using the above steps on the echo page
Browsers affected:
Chrome: yes
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 7
Construct 2 version:
r147 and r146