Can't open any games Construct 2 at all now ( happened in Dec 2022)

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • I used to be able to still open / edit stuff. Has an update to Windows 11 forever broken Construct 2 now?

    The challenge is that C2 added a bunch of add-ins / plug-ins in the files by default ( web storage ? ) that C3 won't ignore and refuses to open . :(

    Has anyone else managed to keep it going?

    It's frustrating as I am working on a game to run for an multi-player christmas party, but now I have to pull it apart in notepad to edit it :-/

  • I'm not really sure what exactly you are referring to, but for what it's worth, I have a fully up-to-date Windows 11 running here and Construct 2 still appears to work fine and can still open projects OK.

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  • Well that's really odd! I don't know if it was that there was a reference to a drive that was removed or something, but it'd get as far as painting the first event sheet tab them hang indefinitely.

    Now it seems to be working fine! Thanks Ashley

    BTW - as a massive ADHD fueled rabbit hole I was looking at making a quick tool to expunge all my old CAPX of unusable items in Construct 2 - then thought, it'd probably be easier to request for Construct 3, if it's already parsing and identifying outdated add-in/plug-in etc, to just have an option to 'Remove from project' - 99.99% of the time it'd have no effect, as they were simply included in the default template for 'retro style game' etc.

    I add it as an idea.

  • Just to add , it happened again today, and if anyone else has similar issues, and hasn't yet migrated to C3:

    I opened C2 on my left monitor, opened a file, it froze / hung.

    I closed C2, opened it , moved to right monitor, and it opened. :p

    I have no idea what dark magic it is, but it seems to work...

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