[C2/C3] Improve Xbox Live plugin (request for Logout trigger)

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  • - Problem Description -

    I'm trying to pass the certification in the program IDgtf@Xbox but I get this rejection report:

    - Attach a Capx -

    Any project with Xbox live integration for IDvoc@Xbox

    - Steps to Reproduce Bug -

    1. Device 1: Sign into an Xbox Live enabled Microsoft account and launch the title.

    2. Device 1: Proceed to the main menu.

    3. Device 2: Sign into the Xbox Live enabled Microsoft account from step [1] and launch the title.

    4. Device 2: When prompted, select to 'Sign in here.'

    5. Device 1: Observe that the title does not react in any way and the user is able to continue gameplay uninterrupted.

    - Observed Result -

    The title does not react to the active account being signed in on a second device.

    - Expected Result -

    The title must react appropriately to the change in user state, preventing the same account from gaining progress on two devices simultaneously.

    - Notes -

    1. Following step [5], the user on device 1 is able to continue gameplay and any progress made is awarded to any account that signs in subsequently.

    - Affected Browsers -

    Chrome: (NO)

    FireFox: (NO)

    Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Visual Studio: (YES)

    - Operating System and Service Pack -

    Windows 10 version 1803

    - Construct 2 Version ID -

    r262 64bit

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  • Hi again!


    I partially solved this problem, but now I have another.

    I found the code on the forum for xbox developers, which allows you to catch the player's exit from xbox live:

    Microsoft.Xbox.Services.System.XboxLiveUser.addEventListener ('signoutcompleted', function (event) {
    c2_callFunction("xboxlivelogout", []);

    With this code I can notify the player about leaving Xbox Live and show him a message and transfer game to the initial state. I do not know why, but after the player's exit, the "Sign in" and "Sign in silent" calls stop working. To get around this and again invite the player to log in to the account, I have to reload the game: Browser -> Reload. The game is reloaded and the "Sign in" calls are working again and I can invite the player to sign in to the Xbox Live account again, if player choose an account different from the past, the log in is successful and the sign in triggers are works. But if the player chooses the same account from which he logouted, then I get this error in the Visual Studio console:

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