Problem Description
The official IAP in app product/purchase plugin doesn't work when compiled in an iOS app. I have correctly set up the IAP sandbox tester system on iOS. But clicking the purchase and calling the "Purchase product" action does not seem to dispatch any events. It works fine on the Android app version.
Attach a Capx
I have sent my capx file to your e-mail
The file attachment will be named "HelicopterAngle.capx"
Description of Capx
Check out "Layout 2" and check "Event sheet 2", where the store is and the IAP object actions are.
Steps to Reproduce Bug
Step 1. Add the IAP plugin to the project. Add the product ID, enable "Test mode" in the IAP object.
Step 2. Setup all actions such as: request store listing at start of layout, add the purchase product action, and add the On Purchase Product events.
Step 3. Compile with PhoneGap Build and test on Android. Go to the Store, tap the item in the store to purchase. The IAP will work.
Step 4. Compile with PhoneGap Build and test on iOS. Go to the Store, tap the item in the store to purchase. The IAP will NOT work.
Observed Result
On Android, tapping the item in the store will result in a Purchase Success or Purchase Failed event to be sent.
On iOS, tapping the item in the store will NOT result in ANY Purchase Success or Purchase Failed event to be sent
Expected Result
On iOS, tapping the item in the store will should result in a Purchase Success or Purchase Failed event to be sent, working correctly like on Android.
Affected Browsers
iOS native app: Affected.
All desktop web browsers: Not affected; IAP isn't intended to be used here.
Android native app: Not affected.
Operating System and Service Pack
Windows 10 Pro
Version: 1803
Build: 17134.228
Construct 2 Version ID
Release 262 (32-bit)