Thanks for your answer! And sorry for the long delay in the answer.
It seems my answer does not truly exist, there is no way to actually organize it, it seems.
However that is okay, because I have seen a fellow dev (you)'s way of doing things. I learn by examining others, and seeing how you yourself have done things has helped. I have the combat system done (Prototype obviously, it's never truly done). I have not done any items yet, instead I have statically made the damage based upon a game developer's own logic (For example, physical damage is based upon (attacker’s ATK + rand(minAtk, maxAtk)) – (defender’s DEF + rand(minDef, maxDef))). A tutorial on that helped me out a lot. I only used the formula's as I did not like the rest of it.
It was very funny, it took me a long time of frustration trying to make the radius for npc detection before just doing it my own way (his was based upon x and y, and I could not get it right for some reason). Then I realized that I could just make an invisible "MobRadius" square sprite, and have the npc activate the chasing mechanism if ally is overlapping Mobradius As soon as I did that, I realized how to do it with X and Y haha. Too bad, I'm doing it my way. I have the MobRadius square sprite set size X and Y based upon Mob.Radius.
The whole families thing was annoying me (AllyAnimations being the sprite, AllyAnimation being the Family), so I decided to give all Families a Fam at the beginning (FamMobAnimations and FamMob), ran into too many naming issues. Still organizing my code, learning functions, groups, comments, etc.
What I want to do next is figure out how to do a ForEach FamMob so that I can just drop and drag a bunch of mobs and it places their Animation sprite to whatever one it belongs to. Currently they all just go to the first FamMob there is, and not individually.
I made the game screen (Where the player moves, talks to npcs, etc), on collision with a mob he enters the BattleScreen, with options using Up and Down or Mouse clicking on the option. After the battle he goes to a BattleVictory screen where his stats/experience/items etc are applied accordingly, and then presses enter to proceed to the GameScreen again. I had a difficult time figuring out how to make the player apply his stats because the player was not carried over (Could not do FamAlly.XP + Battle_XP). So what I did was make a whole set of global variables for the player (Global number Player_HP, Player_SP, Player_XP) and have the battle add to those, then set the FamAlly's (Player right now, eventually a whole party of Allies) variables to the global variable. Works this way, doesn't feel right but whatever works. Eventually I'll have to make a Player1_HP, Player2_HP, and so on.
I haven't played around with arrays yet though, could you please tell me what they are typically used for? Since I never used them yet for now I was just going to make global variables for things like (Item_Shortsword_Obtained, Item_Shortsword_Quantity, Item_Shortsword_OwnedBy, Item_Shortsword_Equipped, Item_Shortsword_EquippedBy etc).
And before I go on and on more, I shall click Submit lol. I love Game Development but really it's just for pure fun