Foreword: I noticed, after I was done typing, that this turned into something of a dissertation. Apologies beforehand for the wall of text.
Hello, all. I have some experience with various other game-making software, but I'm completely new to Consturct 2, so I decided that this might be the best forum for my question. I started throwing together a simple top-down-shooter the other day, and I'm having a little issue in my movement sequence.
The "player" consists of two sprites: Player, and Player_Feet. The Player sprite is the body/arms/gun/etc., and the Player_Feet sprite, as the name might imply, is just movement animations for the legs and feet. I separate the two because I'd like them to move independently of one another. The player rotates to face the mouse, and WSAD is used for 8-direction movement.
What I'm trying to achieve is an effect that I've done before in other engines: since the player always faces the mouse, but has free range of movement, I want the animation for the feet to switch between back-and-forth and strafing left/strafing right based on his movement and relative angle to the mouse. (It looks bad, to me, to have the legs swinging back and forth when the player is obviously moving side-to-side.)
What I have thus far works just fine, except during diagonal movement. Whenever multiple movement keys are pressed at once, the leg animation "sticks" on the first frame, and does not animate. My previous programming experience is telling me that my problem is likely that I have one or more of the conditions in my event sequence firing repeatedly, and it's setting the animation back to the start while the buttons are held down, giving the illusion that the sprite isn't animated. But, I'm either too tired, or too nearsighted to find the error.
Below is posted an image of the event sequence that I'm using for movement. I also have the .capx file up in my Google Drive, and I can provide a download link to that if necessary.
As an aside: Like I said, I'm new to Construct 2 and it's way of doing things. If anyone has any advice for optimizing or compacting my event structure, I'd be delighted to hear it.