hey so i drew a 5 frame sprite sheet of a stickman in photoshop 60, 90 for each frame and i made sure to make them all the same size
can some one help me with tips on how to make it less shaky and the box around it so it walks on the ground instead oh hovering
http://gyazo.com/5eb0bf5921ccc2ff2eccbeb2daa82020[/code:9n4jq98n]-- the animation
[code:9n4jq98n]http://gyazo.com/0afffa371cebd5b8a1ed366114a25fbb[/code:9n4jq98n]-- the sprite sheet in photoshop(i removed the last frame when i put it ingame)
would you recommend the spriter Pro software even if im a bad artist?
i have tons of game ideas but cant do much because i cant do art or animate. is there a place where beginners can meet so i can have some one help with the art?