Hi all,
I've started putting together an array for my mobs. The array currently consists of:
mob name
mob rarity
drop rate
drop rarity
"animation" frame (which is just a static image of the one of the mobs).
The array value is currently 5,5,1 as i'm only testing with 5 mobs at the moment.
To give you a flow of how things go:
Player enters an area
The system will choose a random mob from the array to fight based on mob rarity.
The combat will be automated and is output to a combat log for viewing.
Now I obviously don't want the mob to die in one hit, so could I add further details to the mob array like health and resistances? So the combat log shows the Player (which has global variable HP) and NPC (which would have array HP) "duking it out" until one is dead.
Apologies if this isn't clear, i'm still learning the whole array thing!