Why is the animation not working when pushing up-arrow?
- Because pushing the up arrow makes the player jump and when jumping you want the jump animation to play, so the program is told to play two animations at the same time, which is impossible..
Why is the animation playing when not moving?
- Because your event states to play the animation while overlapping and that condition is true..
First thing you should probably do is remove the default controls from you behaviour and add your own in events..
Also you seem to not understand the difference between triggered events and normal events..
Adding a "system every tick" condition to a triggered event is useless..
Your event 23 only changes the angle "on collision" so when no collision is registered the player angle will not change to platform angle..
So I changed my code in the following way;
- I added to my other animations to activate when I'm not using the ladder so now the animations don't overlap.
- I changed the angle detection to "every tick" and "is overlapping solid at offset (0,5)"
I will keep the default controls for now but if I run into problems I will re do them. Thank you so much for this reply. I learned a lot!