Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • Angiel

    That would be a better option! Good luck on that! ^^

  • Any people that have game projects and can submit tutorials about Q3D, please suggest to be listed in this topic:


    Here you can make tutorials about Q3D:


  • Where is updates?

  • Where is updates?

    Bloody good question. I'd pay to see some progress reports let alone get the final 2.5 update.

    C'mon, this isn't valve we're talking about

  • I've imported an obj file and I've add a texture. What is the way to add another texture? For example the character eyes one?

  • I've imported an obj file and I've add a texture. What is the way to add another texture? For example the character eyes one?

    A solution is it combine all texture in just one.

    In this tutorial everything is explained: youtube.com/watch

    ...in according whit this:


    Texturing should be done at the mesh level, with UV's exported as part of the .obj file. That's the way I did it in the tiny tank demo, and the way it should be done for any game. A single .obj mesh can be comprised of many geometric primitives, all sharing the same texture.

    You need to UV unwrap your mesh, then create a texture which contains any graphics you want (all in the same image), then map the individual polygons to the respective areas on the texture map. This can be done in most 3D programs. (I recommend blender, it's free) Alternatively, you can create multi-part objects on the Q3D level (instead of the mesh level), which each have their own materials. This isn't optimal though (and should not be done in any real game): it's highly recommended to bake as much geometry as you can into single meshes, to have minimal separate objects on the Q3D level, to minimize cpu bottlenecking.

  • anyone knows how to put a video as texture ?

  • anyone knows how to put a video as texture ?


    This is spam as it is not at all relevant to this thread. Please don't do this again.

  • anyone knows how to put a video as texture ?

    You could possibly convert the video into still images and animate a Q3D model's texture with it that way, while optionally playing the extracted sound from the video simultaneously. This is to say, of course, that you're willing to put such a heavy load on memory and/or said video is low in frame rate, short in duration or small in resolution. I could see this being used to, perhaps, simulate a TV set - but in that case other work-arounds could be achieved.

    The most direct approach could be if you showed the video through the media object (probably in fullscreen on another layer) once the player has interacted with whatever is supposed to show a video. Or, if the video is simple in nature (mostly text or a mainly static news presenter), it might be possible to "fake" it in the form of a model with morph animation (since a pseudo-2d animation in actual 3d space is most likely more memory friendly than a long string of frames) but that's a lot trickier.

    If neither of these options sounds particularly inviting (you want a video shown in real-time on a plane in 3d space) you might find more luck in other more robust 3d engines or setting your bar lower.

  • > anyone knows how to put a video as texture ?



    This is spam as it is not at all relevant to this thread. Please don't do this again.

    Seems pretty relevant to me. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek">


    - Source: view-source:http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/Video.html


    3DS Max:

    How Flash does it:

    I also accidentally found this: http://away3d.com/ "Away3D is an open source, real time 3D engine for the Flash Platform" with editor called Prefab3D.

    Never stop looking for answers friend.

  • [quote:2l70aiya]Polygallon

    quote:2l70aiya]You could possibly convert the video into still images and animate a Q3D model's texture with it that way, while optionally playing the extracted sound from the video simultaneously. This is to say, of course, that you're willing to put such a heavy load on memory and/or said video is low in frame rate, short in duration or small in resolution. I could see this being used to, perhaps, simulate a TV set - but in that case other work-arounds could be achieved.

    The most direct approach could be if you showed the video through the media object (probably in fullscreen on another layer) once the player has interacted with whatever is supposed to show a video. Or, if the video is simple in nature (mostly text or a mainly static news presenter), it might be possible to "fake" it in the form of a model with morph animation (since a pseudo-2d animation in actual 3d space is most likely more memory friendly than a long string of frames) but that's a lot trickier.

    If neither of these options sounds particularly inviting (you want a video shown in real-time on a plane in 3d space) you might find more luck in other more robust 3d engines or setting your bar lower.

    thanks for your comment, but I had thought that the addition of images and sound, it would not be an appropriate solution.

  • >

    > > anyone knows how to put a video as texture ?

    > >


    > Hardmann


    > This is spam as it is not at all relevant to this thread. Please don't do this again.


    Seems pretty relevant to me. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" />


    - Animated Textures: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc ... s_in_WebGL

    - Three.js Example of Video to Texture: - stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/Video.html

    - Source: view-source:http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/Video.html


    - Video as Texture: blender.org/manual/render/b ... video.html

    3DS Max:

    - Video as Material youtube.com/watch

    - Animated Textures Tutorial: youtube.com/watch

    How Flash does it:

    - senocular.com/flash/tutorial ... remapping/

    I also accidentally found this: away3d.com "Away3D is an open source, real time 3D engine for the Flash Platform" with editor called Prefab3D.

    Never stop looking for answers friend.

    thanks, but from what I have researched I have not found a way to do this within the construction 2 using the plug quazi 3d , maybe in the next installment of Q3D you can do what is shown in the examples of three

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  • The only other idea I could think of is to use a video as a tiled background. Or, add the library external like here somehow to your project:

  • do someoen know if we can achive this kind of effect with q3d-v-2-4-3d?


  • imothep85, I think a simple way is to have a cube map or a spherical map of the image and let the camera sit inside the 3D cube/sphere...

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