I definitely need it... I could save 12% size in my image folder by upgrading to r92 with spritesheets, but then I would have to cut a feature that uses tiled sheets. What you're doing is fantastic!
I'm not sure if you saw by the way, but Ashley suggested a way of doing it in canvas2d, maybe it's a start:
ou can fix your plugin but it would be a little complicated. To tile a spritesheet frame you need to:
1) make a new canvas and get a 2D context
2) drawImage() the sprite's image on to it (you'll have to see the new code in Sprite's draw() which shows how to draw the part from the spritesheet)
3) make a new Image() and set its src to canvas.toDataURL() - now you have a standalone image of the section from the spritesheet
4) now you can make a pattern of that image and draw the section tiled