[Plugin] Photon Cloud

From the Asset Store
2D realistic cloud pack has 11 different clouds included.
  • Ok, the error with photon and HTML5 hosted game is because now chrome, in its latest version, warns that they are trying to load scripts from unauthorized sources.

    To enable it you must click on the warning and authorize the upload.

    Are users going to have to go through that prompt as well?

  • make sure you use secure websockets and a https website and you won'T get that warning

  • Hi there,,, Is this working with cocoon.io?

    But only work with Webview and Webview+ engine, not Canvas+

  • make sure you use secure websockets and a https website and you won'T get that warning

    But I uploaded my game to itch.io and to bitballoon and that warning appears to me.

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  • OK, the connection error happened because I had selected (without being aware that I was changing it) "WS" in the protocol option of the object, selecting "WSS" the error is solved.

    On the other hand, the team will correct the broken download link.

  • Hi,

    I'm having trouble reconnecting players to the same multiplayer game. According Photon docs there is a rejoin and reconnect available but using the Contruct 2 Photon plugin these options are not available.

    The issue is when switching on your mobile between Wifi and 3g/4g the connection with Photon just stops and your multiplayer game is over.

    This issue is the same when sending an app to the background. Or any other kind of short internet connection failure.

    I tried several ways to achieve a reconnect and rejoin same game but no success this far. Maybe someone knows the trick? Or someone can use it as a plugin improvement.



  • I have ported the Photon Plugin into the C3 Runtime. Feel free to use it.

    Refer to the link: construct.net/forum/construct-3/plugin-sdk-10/construct-3-runtime-a-few-cons-137539

  • DenniTerpstra

    I'm having trouble reconnecting players to the same multiplayer game. According Photon docs there is a rejoin and reconnect available but using the Contruct 2 Photon plugin these options are not available.


    I tried several ways to achieve a reconnect and rejoin same game but no success this far. Maybe someone knows the trick? Or someone can use it as a plugin improvement.

    Rejoin process simplified in latest plugin update. You do not need to pass token (current actorNr) in join room operation, just set 'rejoin' option. Rejoin should work if client leaves the room with 'suspend room' operation or gets disconnected.

    It's important to set reasonable 'suspended player live time' (and 'room live time' if you want to rejoin empty room) before room creation. Server defaults are 0 as far as I can see. So rejoin would not work w/o setting at least player live time.

    Please check log for any errors or warning. This can help find out why rejoin does not work.

  • It's nice to see you back ThePhotons! Looking forward to your updates.

  • I have ported the Photon Plugin into the C3 Runtime. Feel free to use it.


    The addon failed to start until I replaced all 'C3.Behaviors.Photon's with 'C3.Plugins.Photon'. Not sure why it worked for you.

    C2 and C3 runtimes are still different. E.g. I can't run my unit tests directly in editor because they rely on AJAX 'Request URL' method which requests project files fine in c2 runtime but throws CORS error in c3.

  • > I have ported the Photon Plugin into the C3 Runtime. Feel free to use it.


    The addon failed to start until I replaced all 'C3.Behaviors.Photon's with 'C3.Plugins.Photon'. Not sure why it worked for you.

    Sorry about that, I didn't have time to double check what I uploaded at that time. Probably unnecessary now since you are back but I just updated, just in case.

    C2 and C3 runtimes are still different. E.g. I can't run my unit tests directly in editor because they rely on AJAX 'Request URL' method which requests project files fine in c2 runtime but throws CORS error in c3.

    I'm not sure what you mean.

    Do you mean this github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues/1890 ? Accessing scripts from the project file directly? Yeah, it doesn't work.

    You can use the JS Plugin created by Valerypopoff. You can just include the script so you can directly test on the editor.

    JS Plugin: https://www.construct.net/make-games/addons/1/javascript

  • The reason was mixed case in files names. Either C3 runtime AJAX addon or preview host converts url to lowercase automatically. This does not happens in C2 runtime.

  • Photon plugins updated. Both photon and photon chat support C3 runtime. Not every case is tested. So please do not hesitate to report errors. I will fix asap.

    Download from photonengine.com/sdks

  • Photon plugins updated. Both photon and photon chat support C3 runtime. Not every case is tested. So please do not hesitate to report errors. I will fix asap.

    Download from photonengine.com/sdks

    Thanks a lot!

  • Can I create an rts game in real time, controlling units, without lag? because with the original plugins of construct I was very bad.

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