Add document.
Please help me to move this topic to "Completed Addons" section.
Yes, I did not add collision avoidance with neighbors in this case, to make them grabbing feed crazily no matter they are bumping together.
ThanksI rextaimbow, looking in to moving groups. This sounds promising.
I noticed some funky behavior with the alignment forces, and I looked at the code. It seems like you are using a naive average for angles, which can sometimes result in odd things such as -170 and 170 averaging to 0 instead of 180
Thanks, I had updated this behavior. I first change angle(radians) to clamped degree which is 0~360, then get average of degree. Finally turn back average degree to angle(radians).
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Hi, is it possible to set boids to follow something... like a leader of flock?
If he moves, flock moves... if he stops the flock stops...
Yes, this behavior only provides a leading angle, designer need apply this angle by itself in event sheet.
thanx... ill fiddle with options to see what i can come up with.
One question... your capx in FF starts with 50 fps and after minute or even less drops to 10 ...
is that normal?
Tested on my pc, it always runs at 59 fps.
Hello rexrainbow, tried downloading the capx for the demo of rex_boids but the link wasnt active. Please assist.
The link is valid. (Here)
Hi rexrainbow, is there a way to use this with 4 directions move only?
Sure, this behavior does not control the movement of sprite. User should add custom moving action.
Anyone else having trouble installing this? I put it in the plugins folder but get the error:
Unable to load plugin...Found 'GetPluginSettings' global, but it is not a function
could someone help? thank you!