Hi! I finished testing the following plug-in. This time it's only a modified Pin.
1. type: pin by angle, pin by distance and pin by distance&angle.
2. destroy together: destroy pinned object when destroying a behavior instance.
I used it to create a behavior for meteorites and other bodies, which revolve around its axis and moving in a straight line. Maybe it could have been done differently, but I could not come up as ... The default behavior is not allowed to repeat Pin this effect, since the angle is also changed following the pinned object.
1. Create a sprite of meteorite (for example) with Rotate behavior.
2. Create a hidden sprite with Bullet behavior.
3. Add to meteorite a jj_pinEx behavior and set type "by Distance" and in eventsheet set the hidden sprite as a pinned object of your meteorite.
Installing: unpack folder from jj_pinEx.zip to the behaviors directory of your C2 html5 exporters.