<center>Car physics behavior</center>
Current version is (BETA) 0.1!
This behavior enables a top down-view car (body + 4 wheels) and a side-view car (body, 2 wheels and 2 axles) to act as a car, fully integrated with the Construct physics world.
This is a very early version, and it does miss certain functionalities and performances that I am hoping to add/fix in the near future. But I thought I would release it as it is now, to let people try it on and play around!
- Created a tutorial page for this behavior plugin:
- Code structured and optimized for better performance.
- Added extra actions to enable more dynamic settings specific for the sideview car physics in real time.
- Added extra properties variables to enable more dynamic settings specific for the sideview car physics.
- Added Sideview Car physics. A sideview physics car is based on a body, two wheels and two axels combined together.
The sideview car physics reacts just as the topdown car physics with wheel friction, linear dampning etc etc.
You cant change the friction of any of the wheels or car body in real time. If you change the friction the car will fall apart and will not be usable. This is because when changing the friction, Construct 2 destroys and rebuilds the physics body for that specific sprite.
The physics do make a rebuild call, but its resetted internally inside the physics.
As it is now, there is no way for me to catch that rebuild call, without altering the source code of the physics, which is not allowed or recommended!
I have added a request to change that in the SDK forum, and hopefully the nice people at Scirra can add a flag, allowing me to catch a rebuild call.
<center>Download Car Physics behavior v.0.1
Very simple top-down car physics example for v.0.1
Very simple side-view car physics example for v.0.1
For more information and a tutorial how to create car physics, please
visit the tutorial: