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Layer functions
Layouts consist of multiple layers. All layout objects belong to a layer.
Layer properties
- layer.layout
- A reference back to the layout the layer is on.
- layer.runtime
- A reference back to the runtime.
- layer.scale
- The current layer scale.
- layer.viewLeft
- layer.viewRight
- layer.viewTop
- layer.viewBottom
- Defines the rectangle of the currently visible viewport. This may be larger or smaller than the canvas size if the scale is not 1.0.
- The layer name.
- layer.index
- The zero-based layer index.
- layer.visible
- A boolean indicating if the layer is currently visible.
- layer.background_color
- The layer's background color, as an array in the format [r, g, b, a]. Ignored if the layer is transparent.
- layer.transparent
- A boolean indicating if the layer is transparent.
- layer.parallaxX
- layer.parallaxY
- The layer's parallax rate for the X and Y axes.
- layer.opacity
- The layer's opacity, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
- layer.forceOwnTexture
- A boolean indicating the Force own texture setting.
- layer.instances[]
- An array of all the object instances (of any object type) currently on this layer.
Layer functions
- layer.canvasToLayerX(x)
- layer.canvasToLayerY(y)
- Convert from canvas coordinates to layer coordinates. Useful for converting e.g. mouse co-ordinates to layer co-ordinates. See Mouse for an example.
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This manual entry was last updated on 5 Jun, 2020 at 11:51