Auto-update addons; Bug fixes.
Ashley good afternoon!
I have encountered that sounds are NOT unloaded by the Unload command
This is the first problem
And the second-there is no possibility to copy one sound from another
This command would be extremely useful!
Can't you implement it?
I NEED TO REPLACE one pre-loaded audio file with another-which appears when dragndrop is dragged
The trouble is that when uploading via DragAndDropFiles.FileUrlAt (0)-the file is NOT replaced if it has the same name as the file in the Sounds folder
Therefore-in theory-you must first somehow delete it from this folder(I thought the UNLOAD command) does this-but no
There is no command to DELETE sound from the Sound folder at all
It turns out-file substitution is not possible on the one that dragged?
I would be very grateful to you!