Scorm (C3 runtime) (Construct 3 Plugins)

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    Scorm (C3 runtime)

    C3 Scorm plug-in ported to C3 runtime with added C3 Preview mode support (no worker mode support).

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  • Hi, Im just trying this plugin for the first time and looks amazing, even being a total ignorant, I got it working in scorm cloud, but I have one question, what If I want to store multiple values like coins, jumps, clicks, (whatever variable) I can store one as cmi.suspend_data but can I store multiple things? If so, what direction should I go?

    Thanks! I see the last post was 2 years ago, hopefully this is still active :)

    • You can store your data in a C3 JSON object. When you want to save to server, save the string version of the JSON object to a value. When you want to read it back, get the string and use C3 JSON object parse ACE to reload your object.

      Check out the manual or tutorials regarding C3 JSON object.