SUPERHOTline Miami

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    SUPERHOTline Miami
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    What happens when you mix SUPER HOT with Hotline Miami ? You get SUPERHOTline Miami !

    10 years ago
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    Semi-auto (BUL M-5? .38/.45): 7 bullets

    Shotgun (Winchester model 1987? 12-16 gauge): 4 buckshots

    Assault Rifle (AK-47? 7.62×39mm): 24 bullets


    - The BUL M-5 and the winchester both seem to have the same reload time. The shotgun is just not worth it since it's nearly impossible to use the pellet spread.

    - I tried naming the guns by the most likely american model (except for the AK obviously) assuming the dev is also american, but I didn't find an american semi-auto that looks enough like the one in the game, so I could only find this israel model.