ElementQuad (Construct 3 Plugins)

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    Element Quad - set texture based on document element (e.G. Canvas.).

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  • It's fine. Thanks. I love a lot of your effects you posted, and I imported most of them into Construct, and I have 2 questions:

    1, Would it be possible if you made them into behaviors, so I don't need to worry about the 2 effect limit? This is low priority, and I wouldn't feel sad or anything if you didn't, but it would be kind of nice.

    2, You seem to know a lot about addons, would you be willing to look through my MIDI addon's files, and find out what's wrong? It keeps giving me the "TypeError: expected object" error when I load construct, and I've already needed to clear my cache 3 times, spent over 2 hours trying to fix it, then gave up on it, and created a forum post. The files are at github.com/dk865/MidiPro_Construct3/tree/main/MidiPro

    If you can't do either of those, it's fine. I made a forum post about the second one but it's waiting for approval. Again, thanks a lot!

    • As far as I know, effects cannot be changed into behaviors. Is there a 2 effect limit, I have done more than that.

      • For addon on dev I use c3ide2 to generate the correct addon format and also a server for faster iteration in developer mode and no need to clear cache.


        • Thank you! It seems like a nice tool! However, every time I run it, I get this error:

          creating addon ...

          ? Select addon type ... plugin

          ? Enter addon name ... MidiPro

          ? Enter author name ... dk865

          creating addon ...

          type: plugin

          name: MidiPro

          author: dk865

          cloning plugin template ...

          addon folder dk865_midipro created successfully

          DegitError: could not find commit hash for HEAD

          at Degit._cloneWithTar (C:\snapshot\c3ide2-cli\node_modules\degit\dist\index-688c5d50.js:14258:10)

          at async Degit.clone (C:\snapshot\c3ide2-cli\node_modules\degit\dist\index-688c5d50.js:14096:4)

          at async cloneTemplate (C:\snapshot\c3ide2-cli\commands\scaffold.js:91:3)

          at async create (C:\snapshot\c3ide2-cli\commands\scaffold.js:27:16) {

          code: 'MISSING_REF',

          ref: 'HEAD'


          Any know fixes?

      • With the free version you can only use 2. Would you be willing to look at my Github addon? If not, that's okay, thanks anyways!