Shoot Out Reloaded

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    Shoot Out Reloaded
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    The new installment of Shoot Out including many new features such as updated sprites, up to 4 player support and most of all weekly characters! That's right eac...

    2 years ago
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  • Character idea

    Conjoined Twins is a character that has a boy in the blue shirt and a girl in a pink shirt glued together and the girl has brown ponytail hair and the boy is balls projectile

    Attack is that the boy shoots a attack shaped like a boomerang and the girl shoots a blue balls following right behind boy

    The special shows girl goes to front and boy goes back and if pressed again then they'll go to side to side and when you switch it shows there different health which is why the special reloads super fast

    And one of the twins could die which makes the character special completely useless

    I have more character ideas that I'll share in future updates