Metal Gear F.O.I.L

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    Metal Gear F.O.I.L
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    A Metal Gear themed instructional game, where the learner must find the F.O.I.L Intel to open the Launch Room and solve the bionomial multiplication problem in...

    3 years ago
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  • I am a video game design teacher in Victorville, CA. My students played the game and had the following feedback

    Things they liked:

    1. It's a cool TOP DOWN shooter

    2. The ability for the player to MELEE.

    3. The sounds were awesome for this game.

    Things they didn't like:

    1. That it was MATH RELATED (although some students disagreed with this).

    2. Too easy... not enough challenges. Not all of the enemies attacked. They were too easy to kill.

    3. Too short, would recommend expanding the "mission."

    4. The layout was too small. Recommend for it to be expanded to add complexity to the game.

    • Thank you so much for the feedback! This was my first attempt at an instructional game, I am currently finishing a Master's in Instructional Design and I made this for a project. So this feedback will be super helpful for my next go around. Tell your class, sorry about the Math but it had to be educational for the project haha.

      Thanks again,

      Ryan C