Construct supports writing Javascript code in both script files and event sheets. If you're new to the Javascript programming language, consider taking the Lear...
I see, so some tasks that can only be done on the main thread can be done in parallel with worker. It's not a burning question but the only follow-up I would have are what exactly are those tasks and do they apply to me specifically? I don't do anything with SVGs, preview and debugger are N/A. The reason I am asking all this is I am looking into doing some scripting for Greenworks.js specifically (allowing player to use Steam Workshop) that I think will disqualify me from using Worker. So I want to know exactly what I am giving up. Maybe its a non-issue to not run Worker for a game in NWjs that doesn't use "specific" things that would benefit from running in parallel?
It's hard to say as it depends on both the internals of browser engines and the specific project in question. In general I'd say worker mode is a good idea if possible, but you will probably be OK with DOM mode too.