Construct 3 r262

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    • Ashley's avatar
    • Ashley
    • Construct Team Founder
    • 1 points
    • (3 children)

    What do you think is missing exactly?

    • I mean, Turret, Pin, Scroll to, Browser, Tween, Timeline, Timer, Wrap, Anchor, etc, don't exist in api at all, and i thing full list of missing items is 2-3 times longer than this.

      Just for example, with Anchor, I need to make a function in C3 ToggleAnchorForSpecificTypeOfObject(uid, enabled) and have to call it like this from js, and there is no another way do it. And it's just once case, and also it searches object by uid every time, because there is no way to pass objects in c3, so it's also slow (in addition to slowness of c3 events itself). So for 10 types of objects i need to make 10 functions, because you can't combine different types of object in any real way in events (also different family for every type of object, just an example). For Turret I need to pass 15 properties in the same way to update an instance. As a result, the lack of functions is multiplied by the limitations of the events, and the inconvenience is twofold

      • (part 2, because 1000 symbols limit)

        Also maybe I miss something, but there is still no way to, when you create object, instance to copy properties from, so i need to create dozens of actually same object type, with like one specific property set, to be sure i will have right property, because when you create object it's just a lottery which instance will be picked to clone from. For example, object Origin you can set only in editor, so if you want to create object with different origins, you need to create 10 object types with different origins and create specific object type each time, and it's just for one object.

        • (part 3)

          There was no way to even look at z-index of object since one of last updates, after you added it by my request. And there is still no real way to work with z-index, because c3 has very special system for it, so it again limits my abilities pretty much.

          And I just wrote down what came to my mind first. And yeah, several month ago i tried to create mobile game, and figured out that one, just one particle makes my game from 60 fps to 20, even if it spawns like one particle every 30 seconds, and it's just one case.