New 3D shape plugin!
Is there any possibility to make it possible to alter the origin point for the 3D object? (Enabling you to get a pseudo-"basic angle" on the pseudo 3D objects; it works as a workaround with the regular z-height function). It seemed like it was locked to the center of the object no matter what I did to the origin point in the images.
Or even better to add a value that automatically adds/subtracts y position based on the Z-height value. Making an effect where the "zenith" of 3D objects aren't necessarily in the middle of the screen.
Mayby there's a simple workaround for 3D objects too, but my old trick for offsetting z-height center didn't work.
Changing the origin of the back face should change the object origin. If it doesn't work please file an issue!
Changing the origin did indeed work, I was just thinking about it backwards because of getting too excited.
I looked around a bit and saw that there are already several suggestions submitted for for being able to change the x/y focal point of z-elevation and whatnot. But if it would be a relatively easy thing to implement, adding it now together with simple 3D would be absolutely incredible!