Construct 3 r243.2

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  • hmmm, understood. Not a complaint tho. The new logic seems to be more correct (since the loop should technically only lasts for like 1 tick or something; so the "loopindex" variable should indeed not be recallable past that).

    Actually tried to test it on some older releases but I've had already saved it in a recent one (so couldn't 'reverse' it back... I know I can edit the file, but that usually breaks something). Although it worked correctly in a build (exported) from some months ago.

    Just found it strange that I (afaik) didn't find it in any of the recent changelogs. Maybe it (if can be confirmed) should be mentioned somewhere, to warn old users about the quite major change in the engine's logic (for loops in general).

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      • Ashley
      • Construct Team Founder
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      It may well have been mentioned in the release notes. But from what you've said I'm afraid it's difficult to identify any specific release. Testing your project regularly in the latest C3 release would also help identify specific releases when things change. The longer you leave it, the harder it is to work out what happened.

    • the workaround I found was to create a local number and set it (before the "wait" event) to the current loopindex. So it can be recalled later as the 'old' loop index.

      • not asking for it to be "fixed" tho. Just curious if u knew/remembered changing some aspect about it. Seems like it might have been some time tho (didn't work on my project for the last 2-3 months, to that explains).

        Don't know about the practicality of it, but maybe construct could have some (IDE-like) notifications on events/expressions that had their logic messed with (such as the OR modifier, some time ago). Much like the 'deprecated' terms on languages in general.