Construct can export your project as a macOS desktop app using WKWebView . This is basically a version of the Safari browser engine that is built in to macOS. I...
I am getting an error that "your browser does not support or blocks cookies"
Is there a workaround for this or i am missing something?
I would like to report that i cannot do the advance minify (the simple one works)
Error exporting: minify-error
Shb main.js:2122
4dc93fd61-5602-45c6-af8b-f8a2ad5496cf:2416 Run main for com/google/javascript/jscomp/CommandLineRunner
cheerpOS.js:1531 /str/main.js:141:423: ERROR - [JSC_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE] variable RuntimeInterface is undeclared
141| const exportType=e["exportType"];if(exportType==="windows-uwp"&&typeof Windows!=="undefined")Windows["System"]["Launcher"]["launchUriAsync"](new Windows["Foundation"]["Uri"](url));else if(self["cordova"]&&self["cordova"]["InAppBrowser"])self["cordova"]["InAppBrowser"]["open"](url,"_system");else,tag)}}_OnRequestFullscreen(e){if(this._exportType==="windows-webview2"||this._exportType==="macos-wkwebview")...
If you run in to any problems please file an issue following all the guidelines.