Stable update: Mesh editor, new scene graph features, Javascript Modules & more.
Hey, sorry to bother, but ever since I've gotten to the new update, my game I was previously developing on r225 stays stuck on the black "please wait, loading" page. Having saved the game under the new version, I can't revert it back and I'm kind of stuck... Does anybody know why? Is it because of some plugins maybe?
YES! It works! Thank you so much!
Second that, just loaded up C3 to my game crashing - thought it was an array issue at first but then remembered there was an update!
If you're using third-party addons, you may need to contact the addon developer to make a small update. If you're not using third-party addons, please file an issue.
same. The game started once, and after that it didn't start again
Happy to see I'm not the only one. Hope they can fix it quick. My last backup is literally from two weeks ago, I sincerely hope I'm not going back to that