comic and manga chaos crossover

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    comic and manga chaos crossover
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    A short beat em up inspired by crazy zombies but is a little bit inferior some sprites and scenarios are ripped from mugen and others sprites are mine I hope yo...

    5 years ago
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  • Okay, so a lot of people are asking how to play the game, so I decided to write them out because they are missing out.

    Arrow keys are direction

    Double tap left or right key to run

    To start the game, use the arrow keys to select '1P', '2P', or Characters. Use 'S' to select.

    'A' is jump, 'S' is punch, 'E' is a uppercut, 'D' is a special move, and 'W' is like a final smash. You can only use the final smash thing when your energy bar is full. You can press the 'F' key to charge up the energy bar or get some from hitting opponents.