Platform Info script interface

The IPlatformInfoObjectType interface derives from IObjectClass to add APIs specific to the Platform Info plugin. It is a useful way to use Construct's platform detection in JavaScript.

Note this class derives from the object class interface, not the instance interface. Typically it is used through runtime.platformInfo instead of the named object.

Platform info APIs

A read-only boolean indicating whether Construct detects the current device as "mobile".
A read-only string with the operating system Construct has detected, which is one of "windows", "macos", "linux", "chrome-os", "android", "ios" or "unknown".
A read-only string with the operating system version Construct has detected, or the string "(unknown)" if it failed to identify a version.
A read-only string with the browser Construct has detected, which is one of "chrome", "chromium", "edge", "opera", "nwjs", "firefox", "safari" or "unknown".
A read-only string with the browser version Construct has detected, or the string "(unknown)" if it failed to identify a version.
A read-only string with the browser engine Construct has detected, which is one of "chromium", "gecko", "webkit", or "unknown" if failed to identify any.
A read-only string indicating the export option used to export the project, which is one of "preview" (when previewing prior to export), "html5", "scirra-arcade", "cordova-android", "cordova-ios", "nwjs", "windows-webview2", "macos-wkwebview", "xbox-uwp-webview2", "instant-games" or "playable-ad".
A read-only string indicating the graphics rendering technology in use. This can be "webgl1", "webgl2" or "webgpu". It can also have a -software suffix if a "major performance caveat" is detected, which normally indicates slower software rendering, typically due to unreliable GPU drivers. For example, software-rendered WebGL 1 support would return "webgl1-software".
A read-only string describing system-specific detail about the graphics hardware in use. This typically describes the GPU manufacturer and model name, and sometimes some hardware capabilities.
Read-only numbers with the size of the main display canvas in CSS pixels. This does not correspond exactly to device (physical display) pixels, but is the appropriate size from a web design perspective in px units.
Read-only numbers with the size of the main display canvas in device (physical display) pixels. Unlike the CSS size, this size reflects the number of actual pixels used in the display.
Return the devicePixelRatio property.
Construct Animate Manual 2024-06-24

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