ISDKDOMInstanceBase addon SDK interface

The ISDKDOMInstanceBase interface is used as a runtime base class for DOM instances (which create a HTML element) in the addon SDK. It derives from ISDKWorldInstanceBase.

ISDKDOMInstanceBase APIs

_postToDOMElement(handler, data)
_postToDOMElementAsync(handler, data)
Post a message from the runtime instance to the DOM side. The message is received using AddDOMElementMessageHandler() in DOMElementHandler. handler is a string identifying the kind of message. data is a JSON object that is forwarded with the message to provide additional details. The async variant returns a promise that awaits an async handler on the DOM side and forwards the return value back to the runtime, which the returned promise resolves with. The non-async variant simply posts a message and ignores the result (i.e. fire-and-forget).
_postToDOMElementMaybeSync(handler, data)
As with _postToDOMElement(), but when the runtime is in DOM mode, calls the DOM handler synchronously inside the call. When the runtime is in worker mode, this still posts a message which is handled later. Usually this method is not necessary, but it can be used to work around some user input restrictions in some browsers in DOM mode only.
Instruct the runtime to create a DOM element for this instance. It will end up calling CreateElement() in DOMElementHandler with data (an optional object with additional details to create with). The runtime associates the resulting element with this instance.
Helper methods to manage calling focus() and blur() on the instance's associated DOM element.
Helper method to identify whether the associated HTML element is currently focused.
setElementCSSStyle(prop, val)
Helper method to set a CSS style on the instance's associated HTML element. For example setElementCSSStyle("font-family", "sans-serif") will be forwarded to = "sans-serif" on the DOM side.
setElementAttribute(attribName, value)
Helper method to set or remove an attribute on the instance's associated HTML element.
Set whether the associated HTML element is visible or invisible. This sets the CSS style display: none when invisible.
Override to return a JSON object representing the state of the DOM element, e.g. the text content. This is used by CreateElement() and UpdateElementState() to retrieve state to pass to the DOM side.
Send a message from the runtime to the DOM side with the element state (retrieved from GetElementState()). This results in a call to UpdateState(elem, e) on the DOM side. This is a convenient way to make sure any changes to the DOM element are applied.
When the runtime is in DOM mode, this returns the HTML element associated with this instance. When the runtime is in worker mode this method will throw an exception, as the DOM is not directly accessible from a Web Worker.
Construct Animate Manual 2024-05-15