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I'm trying to replicate a classic game called "Deadly Duck" and I'm working on a mechanic where the ships attacking the player go to the side of the screen, "gr...

posted 1 years ago
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I would like to make a vampire survivors like. Just to test settings. I find an easy way to move enemies with move to or Bullet behavior. But I got a problem wh...

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How do I make enemies start moving when on screen?
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I have a family called "characters", with a family variable called "ready". When ready is 0, characters stay still and when ready is 1 they start moving. I want...

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How do I keep a certain distance between Npcs?
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I have multiple platformer Npcs in the level, who move towards the player with different speeds. How do I check for each Npc if they're to close to each other -...

posted 2 months ago

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