Forum Topics tagged fire

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How can I achieve the fire/lava effect?
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We can easily get the water effect, there's a dedicated effect for that but what about fire? How can we achieve in C3? I need a fire/lava type effect for my pla...

posted 5 years ago
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(First, if this is in the wrong spot, let me know and I'll move it, this section seemed relevant but I've never posted before). Not to be cliche, but I'm relati...

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How do I make an object "catch on fire"?
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I'd like to know how to I make a separate sprite mask for enemies/player characters to appear to be burning. Like an overlay with various looping fire embers th...

  • 3 replies
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I'm making a platformer game with the Player using Platform movement. I've set up a bullet system where holding down left mouse fires a stream of bullets which...

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How do I test if on an amazon device
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I was working on a new mobile game and plan on publishing to amazon devices, The game will require to check if the player is using an amazon device to help limi...

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