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How do I use binary data with images?
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I tried to figure out how to use binary data combined with sprites but can't find any way or example. My project is based on packing many images in same file, a...

posted 4 years ago
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Load BinaryData to Dictionary?
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Is there any way to load BinaryData (DrawingCanvas image) to Dictionary and load it into a sprite? To go a little deeper, is the value BinaryData.GetBase64? Not...

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Has anyone figured out how to use the Binary Data plugin with the Multiplayer Plugin to send a message? After struggling for a few weeks trying to conceptualize...

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Why WebSocket On binary Data Error?
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My websocket will disconnect when it receives binary data,Does anyone know what's going on? Actions.Js:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed:...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I POST Binary to my Mysql database using PHP?
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I can send and get text/data using php/mysql, but I never found any php script that explain how to send and get binary unsing POST methode. All I need is the PH...

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How do I save and load audio on runtime?
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I want the user to be able to select an audio file (ogg) from his local drive. Then saving the game and replay the audio file the next time the user opens the g...

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How to define tags for binary data?
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I came across this topic . Can someone please tell me how to do this? Or was this feature removed? I'm not able to find the place where I can define tags for th...

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How do I export an image as binary data?
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1. Using Base64 to export (via php) works fine. 2. I'd like to use float64 (or whatever to compress as much as possible), but all float64 seems to do is store/g...

posted 2 years ago
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Is it possible to use a wait for prev. Action in a loop somehow? I have an array with some URLs and a loop with For every X element. Copy as text doesn't work f...

posted 10 months ago
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Sending an image through multiplayer
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Greetings, I think I'm missing something. I send it through multiplayer, but I can't seem to visualize the image I receive. I believe all the binary data is arr...

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