[PAID] 2D Game Artist Wanted

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  • 5 posts
From the Asset Store
2d mushroom sprite 2d game character enmy sprite game art
  • Hi everyone!

    We are a small, independent games studio working mostly on simple HTML5 games. We are looking for a game artist to help us design and bring new games to life!

    What are we looking for?

    • creativity, reliability, independence
    • willingness to learn and explore
    • at least basic level of written English
    • somebody to conceptualize, design, and produce a wide range of 2D game art assets (characters, objects, animations, UI, promo assets,...)
    • experience with Spine would be great, but not mandatory

    What can we offer?


    • ork on interesting projects with world-wide audience
    • project-based cooperation
    • fair pay (we can do either per project or per hour)
    • creative freedom - we have game mechanics in mind, we need you to give it life (story, visuals,...)

    For more info please contact us at kweekgamesocq@gmail.com with examples of your work.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


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  • Hello,

    Hope you are doing well,

    I can assist you with the same.

    Sending email with details, please check.

    Have a nice day!


    Maria J

  • Hi Geek Kweek i am happy to help you with 2D art ill cotact you for further notice if you would like my help.

  • Hi,

    I would love to help you with your game project.

    Wrote you an email with the link to my portfolio.

    Let me know more about your project.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Replied to all 3 above! There are more than one position open and we are accepting portfolios for evaluation for at least another week - make sure you get in touch!

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