Hiring[Paid] Integrate Multiplayer Mechanics

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From the Asset Store
Top down zombie survival mechanics pack in the style of Cannon Fodder.
  • Hello there,

    I am looking for someone who can implement the multiplayer feature in the demo "Toggle Camera Perspective" from the original Construct 3 demos.

    Any framework is well accepted, even paid ones, such as Photon or similar. Please, check out the demo.

    Multiplayer features:

    - anti-cheat system.

    - Global area where people can chat together. These areas or layouts would serve as servers. People explore the map and go in and out from these layouts.

    - If 120 person joins the same layout, limit to 64 or fewer players based on the region. So, the person who lives nearby should be most likely to meet. Similar to the game sky children of the light, where one layout can have a limit of 24 players. The 24 players in this case would be the best match based on location or ping. So, basically there might be 1000 players playing in the same layout but you are limited to see only the 24.

    - People can chat. When a person sends a message, it will appear at the bottom and the character assigned to the person who is doing something.

    - People can add friends. So, the user can have a list of friends.

    - The user can set the status as busy or free. Based on this status, people can invite a

    friend to join the private room.

    - A private room can be joined only if the host invites the player, or the friend can ask to join if the status is set to free.

    - Some mechanics interact with the map itself. For example, if there is a switch the users can turn it on or off and this should be synchronized. Or again, if the user owns one object, be free to move it around the map, and this should be synced in real-time or only when the user finished positioning the object.

    - Integration with Firebase is a plus, but not needed.

    The project should be scalable, meaning that we could have several servers (USA, Europe, Asia). So resources can be added and removed based on the costs. It should be super safe, and the user should never be able to manipulate the server.

    The project is paid by hours or by project with a contract. Paid in USD or EUR. Paypal / Cryptocurrency / Bank deposit.

    Please, contact me at umbriadesign.it[at]gmail.com, or drop a line here with your email if you are interested. Thanks

  • whats your budget because that looks like A LOT of work

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  • eleanorjmorelHello there,

    I'm open to discussing any budget as long all requirements are met and everything is well documented. Depending on which contract we sign, it is by hours depends on how much it would take so if it. If it is fixed then it depends. If the project stays under 450 hours would be good. I'm looking only for the multiplayer side and some of the feature can be postponed based on how much time it takes.

    I also forgot that I offer %0.02 on the 15% royalty for each item sold in-game for the first year. This can be negotiable based on the main hourly or fixed price.

    If the project goes well as I expect, it would be a long-term collaboration. Good opportunity to join an innovative project using Construct 3. So, for anyone interested leave a reply here or contact me at umbriadesign.it[at]gmail.com. Happy to schedule a meeting during the morning (9 am- 3 pm GMT+1 Central Europen Standard Time) Thanks

  • I sent you an email but might be a little late 🙂

    I'm building a front & backend service that would suit your requirements.

    It's a hybrid peer-to-peer network assisted by dedicated turn servers with really cheap $ per GB.

    Lots of luck with your project!



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