a Simple Love Test

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This Kawaii Love Lofi Pack features 4 endearing, sweet, and romantic lo-fi music with 7 sound effects!
  • Hello,

    I have a website with online games where I post from time to time games made by me. The latest game is a Love Test type game made in C3 that have 14 questions from where at the end you will get a love percentage.

    The love percentage is generated by the answers; the game will manage all the answers you make and generating to each question points that in the end will make the love percentage.

    Beside the game itself, I implemented a script that work with PHP to test if the site is partner or not. The game will send the domain from where it is to a PHP script located to my server from where the script test if our Google Pub ID is in the domain.com/ads.txt page - if it is, then the site is our partner and we will place AFG Ads (Google Adsense for Games). If is not, we will place banners with outgoing links.

    The game is made for kids.

    Any feedback are welcome.

    You can play the game here: zuzu.games/g/a-simple-love-test

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