MAMA Die and Retry - KnightStudio

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Dodge or Die
$7.99 USD
You are stuck in a room...alone! Gotta survive this space scrape!
  • MAMA Die and Retry

    Join the working class, real everyday heroes.

    Mama Die and Retry is an old school action platformer that offers a challenging experience through 26 levels and 4 bosses. Fight with a working class hero and discover new horizons filled with a lot of aliens and threats. Use your broom against them. Each time you die, you will retry.

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    One night, after a hard day work, MAMA was going home. She is a working class woman, what nobody sees, nobody thanks but she is always here.

    Suddenly a noise from the sky that split the night. Aliens were falling from clouds, Fires were starting in city’s streets. Earth was under attack, and MAMA was the only one able to handle this with her broom.

    She need your help to push back the invasion… Let the journey begins !

    Key features

    MAMA Die And Retry sounds like an old arcade game : pixel art, retro music. All made with heart and soul.

    • Multilayered parallax backgrounds, animations, WebGl effects, Particles give mordern touches.
    • Detailed, colored, charming 80’s pixel art, 80’s Clothes, 80’s synths
    • Don’t Kill, just pushback - Dodge, Avoid, perfect your platforming skills
    • Use Alien's technology to improve yourself
    • Slimes, Bees, Blobs, Bosses, a lots of fights and a lots of reasons to die...
    • Run, Die, and Retry again and again
    • Less deaths, faster, try to do the best you can to run through 26 levels
    • Brave 4 treacherous bosses...

    Join the working class, 28/02/2023

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