Adjust SDK for Android project

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  • Hello!

    I need to integrate Adjust SDK. Has anyone already tried to implement this SDK into an Android project? Unfortunately, as far as I understand, this plugin does not exist, and I need to look for another way.. I hope someone can help.

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    They also have a cordova plugin.


    They also have a cordova plugin.

    Thank you, quite interesting. To be honest, I haven’t used Cordova export since Construct 2. Can you tell me how I can install SDK using Cordova? Previously, everything was done through the command line, it was confusing and with errors from time to time. I don’t know what the situation is now.

    I’m also interested in whether it’s possible to somehow install this SDK using Cordova, and then convert the project again into a file with .c3 resolution (but with SDK). I need this because I also need to export the final project version to aab and android studio formats

  • The way is simple, you export from c3p to cordova zip.

    You open it and add the Adjast plugin via cordova. Then you can build and sign the aab package from cordova or open it in android studio and build and sign aab there.

    That's what I do with mediation plugins.

    I will not write more in detail on the net there is a lot of information and tutorials, google helped me.

  • The way is simple, you export from c3p to cordova zip.

    You open it and add the Adjast plugin via cordova. Then you can build and sign the aab package from cordova or open it in android studio and build and sign aab there.

    That's what I do with mediation plugins.

    I will not write more in detail on the net there is a lot of information and tutorials, google helped me.

    Thank you, I will take a look:)

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