How do I do this?

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  • 5 posts
  • Hi! I've created a game. It's not multiplayer, but I want to implement a feature where the player chooses a nickname as guest (like most io games), and get to place one sprite on the game. The sprite will be visible to all other players if the game. What is the best way to do this?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Hi,

    Not multiplayer, LAN, local coop ? What is your project ?

    You can follow the multiplayer examples and tutorials to learn about synced objects. They are created both on host and peer, you can sync some variables or send a message to peer when the object is created an assign a name to it.

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  • I see. I'm making a game where the player is trying to get up a hill. I want the player to be able to set a "flag" with their name whenever they push a button. I then want that flag to be visible to all other player of the game, not using rooms or parties. Would think it was possible for me to set up a server of some kind, and everytime a player enters the game, the flags get downloaded and placed in game. Am I making any sense? Thanks for the reply!

  • Hey,

    If you don't want to use the Multiplayer plugin, you can probably run your own server and make access through AJAX and Browser object from Construct editor. That's a way to retrieve usable informations for your game from across the Internet.

  • Thanks! I'll give it a try.

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