How do I get Steam achievements to trigger?

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  • My game "Daugger" just released on Steam. I used the Greenworks plugin to implement Steam achievements.

    The Greenworks version, NW.js version, and Steam API all match.

    Now that the game has released, playing it doesn't actually trigger any of these achievements.

    I've noticed differences in the explanation here

    and the video it references here, and the actual export options available now, which looked like this when I did it.

    The instruction in that newer video doesn't include the altering of the package.nw file and all from those earlier explanations. I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me figure out how to get these achievements to activate.

  • Export the game with DevTools checkbox enabled. Add steam_appid.txt file to package.nw

    Launch the exported game (you don't need to upload to Steam). Press F12 and check if there are any errors in the console.

  • This looks correct. Make sure you have all the correct steam SDK files in your package.nw.

    I personally used the Greengrinds addon just recently (on latest beta) and it works perfectly. So worst case you could try this instead.

    Also pro tip: You do not need to edit the package.nw after exporting. I see this repeated time and time again and it's just not true. All you have to do is import the required SDK files into your game directly inside Construct. That's it! I wasted so much time on this nonsense because of that misinfo! Just export it, run the icon updater, zip it and ship it.

    Here's what my files look like. Tested and working on windows, mac and linux.

  • I see how this is supposed to work, but I'm still doing something incorrectly. Here are the files I added before exporting and updating the Steam build.

    I really appreciate the help. We're right on the verge of having it sorted.

  • I believe if you are using the latest Greenworks/Greengrinds addon and NWJS 82 or higher, you don't have to add any of those libraries.

    You only need one files - steam_appid.txt - if you want to test without uploading to Steam.

  • I believe if you are using the latest Greenworks/Greengrinds addon and NWJS 82 or higher, you don't have to add any of those libraries.

    I don't? Now I'm just confused :V

  • Man, once I added Greengrinds and updated the game on Steam, it wouldn't even play anymore. Just loaded a black screen.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What NWjs version did you use and what is the addon version? Is worker enabled or disabled? Did you remove Greenworks addon from the project?

    Try NWjs 82, Greengrinds 1.5.0, Worker=disabled. You don't need to add any library files after the export, and if you have added them to the project - remove them. Only steam_appid.txt if you want to test without uploading to Steam.

    Export with Devtools enabled, run the game on your PC, press F12 and check for error messages in the console.

  • We did it. Thank you all for the assistance. Once I got all the Greenworks references removed and took it out of the project completely, those achievements started popping off.

    Again, thank you, you beautiful geniuses.

  • WackyToaster and dop2000

    I'm having similar issues, however the main one is with the Steam Overlay not going away when toggled off. It ghosts in the background of the Construct 3 game. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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