How do I create a level (this is just a layout?) from sprites when I dont have a tilemap?

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  • Hi all, happy Friday!

    I found some video tutorials where they are creating levels from tilemaps (all the sprites are in one big image) but im not able to find many like that, instead I find individual sprites but cant load them all into Construct at once so constructing a level seems difficult. Can anyone offer some guidance!

    I am very grateful, thank you

  • Tilemaps are way different than Sprites, so you need to be more specific.

    There are lots of resources for both.

    Try or

  • Tilemaps are way different than Sprites, so you need to be more specific.

    There are lots of resources for both.

    Try or

    Thanks for pointing that out, my question is more about what the correct/best workflow is for creating a level? Do you always want to use a tilemap so you can easily create the level from all the tiles in one area? Then the term Sprite is just for in game objects that interact with the tilemap/set?

    Thank you

  • The benefit of a Tilemap is that you can create large map from a relatively small texture.

    They are meant to be static, and therefore best for maps, and obstacles.

    So yes Sprite, a separate object type will work well with a tilemap.

    Might want to get to know all the different objects before proceeding.

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  • The benefit of a Tilemap is that you can create large map from a relatively small texture.

    They are meant to be static, and therefore best for maps, and obstacles.

    So yes Sprite, a separate object type will work well with a tilemap.

    Might want to get to know all the different objects before proceeding.

    Thanks again Newt! So for level construction, if I have a bunch of Sprite images, would it be best to load them all into a folder and then get them one by one to create the map?

  • Not really.

    Read the documentation on how Sprites work.

    Look up how instancing works.

    Then frames.

    Then animations.

    Sounds like you want a Tilemap, but are unsure how to stitch it together in an external editor.

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