Can I use Construct 3 on a Mac with M1 chip?

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  • Hello everyone. I am planning to purchase a Construct 3 subscription for developing games for mobile devices. My guess is that Construct 3 for the desktop version uses something similar to the Electron framework. But I have a Mac with an M1 chip, will the desktop version of Construct 3 launch natively? I mean, I don't want to launch Rosetta or try to do something through an inconvenient browser version C3, I want to be sure that the desktop version of Construct 3 will start for me the same way as Visual Studio or Spotify started - that is, without any problems. Are there those who have already worked/are working with this?

  • Desktop version is obsolete. The only advantage it had was saving project files and selecting the save location, which are now also available in the bowser version. I don't believe there is any difference now.

    I have no experience with M1 macs so can't comment on that.

  • The browser version is pretty great, what don't you like about it? I find the desktop version has more potential issues, and doubly so if you're going to try to emulate it.

    You can use Construct 3 in the browser made for your system just fine, or you can try to run it in a browser that wasn't made for your system (desktop version is just a standalone version of the chrome browser that only opens Construct and can't be used to browse...)

    The only thing I used the desktop version for was to preview projects that needed read/write capability directly to disk (for something that wasn't a game).

  • I had questions about performance, after I watched several videos where the browser version of C3 was very slow, in Safari (the built-in macos browser) C3 does not work stably, which is why I have to launch an additional browser - chrome. In addition, I have to work on a small display (13.3 inches), which makes the search bar in the browser an unnecessary addition on an already small display.

  • In Chrome, you can go to Menu -> Install as App. This will allow you to create a shortcut on your desktop, which will open Construct in Chrome, without a search bar/status bar ect. Basically behaving similarly to an executable desktop version. I'm pretty sure you can try this with the demo version before you pay for a subscription.

    Performance I can't say, I haven't had any performance issues and I'm the type to keep a billion tabs open. My projects are on the smaller side though.

    Edit: For more info

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  • In Chrome, you can go to Menu -> Install as App. This will allow you to create a shortcut on your desktop, which will open Construct in Chrome, without a search bar/status bar ect. Basically behaving similarly to an executable desktop version. I'm pretty sure you can try this with the demo version before you pay for a subscription.

    Performance I can't say, I haven't had any performance issues and I'm the type to keep a billion tabs open. My projects

    Oh, thanks for such a detailed answer. I will definitely try, thanks again :)

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