How can i animate multiple instances of same object.

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  • If its only 1 instance it works perfect. the moment there's more than one and they are facing opposite directions the animation stops. If they all start facing the same direction it starts working again. how can i fix that?

    clarification. if there's more than one instance of the object they still move around. They just don't animate.

  • Add to the top conditions another system condition 'for each enemy'

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  • Add to the top conditions another system condition 'for each enemy'

    ty for the suggestion.

    I added it as you said and its still doing the same thing.

    added it on each path finding condition and on condition on top of them all.

    still when they face different directions it stops animating.

  • i have it like this now and its doing the same

    enemy1 is the object that has the animation object pinned to it.

  • Tried this now and wont work T_T

  • I think the problem is the animation is in a separate object.

    The action doesn't know what instance of that object its referring to.

  • Fixed it finally. Now the animations work individually with each animation object pinned to the enemy object.

  • hello

    you can pick the correct object two ways,

    using containers will auto-pick the correct object


    when one object creates the other

    store it's UID in an instance variable

    that way you can pick by UID later

  • hello

    you can pick the correct object two ways,

    using containers will auto-pick the correct object


    when one object creates the other

    store it's UID in an instance variable

    that way you can pick by UID later

    Hello thx for the info. i had forgotten completely about the containers and didn't know you could store the UID when a object spawns another.

    I got it to work as i wanted using the pick instance overlapping thing like i show on my last image.

    Thx a ton for the help. =D !

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